I påskehelgens ånd, her er en veldig interessant vitenskapelig artikkel om temaet "religionsøkonomi"*: An Introduction to the Economics of Religon skrevet av L.R. Iannaccone og publisert i tidskriftet Journal of Economic Literature. Fra introduksjonen:
Studies of religion promise to enhance economics at several levels: generating information about a neglected area of “nonmarket” behavior; showing how economic models can be modified to address questions about belief, norms, and values; and exploring how religion (and, by extension, morals and culture) affect economic attitudes and activities of individuals, groups, and societies. At the same time, the studies promise to influence sociology, particularly the sociology of religion, which has developed a serious interest in the economic approach.
Artikkelen, som kan lastes ned i sin helhet her, er litt foreldet (1998), men har resultert i over 800 referanser i ettertid.
*Supert tema til bachelor- eller masteroppgave for økonomistudenter!
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