tirsdag 29. mai 2012


Av hvem, når, hvor, og nøyaktig i hvilken tematisk sammenheng, ble dette skrevet?
Everyone who is worth anything carries his higher nature with him into business; and, there as elsewhere, he is influenced by his personal affections, by his conceptions of duty and his reverence for high ideals.

And it is true that best energies of the ablest inventors and organizers of improved methods and appliances are stimulated by a noble emulation more than by any love of wealth for its own sake.

But, for all that, the steadiest motive to ordinary business work is the desire for the pay which is the material reward of work.

The pay may be on its way to be spent selfishly or unselfishly, for noble or base ends; and here the variety of human nature comes into play.

But the motive is supplied by a definite amount of money: and it is this definite and exact money measurement of the steadiest motives in business life, which has enabled economics far to outrun every other branch of the study of man.
KUDOS til leser med riktig svar! [To kommentarpoeng til MØA350 student.]

1 kommentar:

  1. Teksten er en del av kapittel 2 i boken Principles of Economics skrevet av Alfred Marshall og utgitt for første gang i 1890. Kapittelet heter the Substance of Economics.

    "Economics is a study of men as they live and move and think in the ordinary business of life"

    Alfred Marshall er kjent som en av grunnleggerne av økonomi, og han er grunnen til at vi i dag sitter og regner på ting som etterspørsel, tilbud og marginalnytte.
